Thursday, August 28, 2014

My sons first hair cut #kickedandscreamthewholetime #firsthaircut #mustbeaneasierway #joysofmotherhood

In my ideal world my children's first hair cuts would be a low key event. We go in get it cut while they sat in a race car or animal seat happily eating the sucker the stylist gives them. I'd save the curly locks for their albums and afterwards we go to the park or out for ice cream to celebrate. Boy was I dreaming. . . .

Took my little prince to get his first real (not by my hubby) hair cut today. I'm not a drinking woman but after the last snip of the scissors I was ready for some alcohol. Since moving to a small town I didn't know where to take him- and lets face it the options were very limited. So after driving around the ENTIRE town I found a place that looked like it could work. I mean, the sign did say "Family" and lets face it driving around the entire town only takes 5 minutes.
My little prince was not so charming from the time we walked in till the hair cut was complete. I sat holding him while she cut his hair. It was painful! Screaming, crying, thrashing about. I'm surprised the stylist didn't accidently cut him or me for that matter. Oh the joys of motherhood. . . . . How did your kids take their first hair cut?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gallon Challenge #agallonaday #jumpstartingahealthylifestyle #stuffedballoon

I read somewhere on my Facebook newsfeed where (wish I could find it again- but wasn't able to) some lady decided to drink a gallon of water a day and document her experience for 30 days. If I remember correctly after about a week her face was clearer, she looked a few years younger and yada yada yada.  . . .

I'm interested in seeing if I have similar results- or if anything really changes at all other then the fact that I will probably be peeing x10 more often then I do now. . . . So here it goes. I am going to take the gallon challenge by the balls and see what happens.

Day 1: Today started off good- drank half of the gallon before I finished my lunch. Peed about 5 dozen times. The second half of the gallon was harder to drink. Just made me realize how much I HATE drinking plan water. But I did notice I didn't snack much during the day. Probably because I felt like a stuffed water balloon . . . .

Day 2: Still hate water. . . .but its getting easier to drink. No noticeable difference in my skin, my pee on the other hand has never been so clear.          

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mastitis #gameover #istillhateyou

Well Mastitis you gave a good fight but I beat you, maybe not fair and square but I beat you! Best part of all- my milk flow didn't suffer! Pretty lil princess will be able to continue nursing till she decides other wise! Thankful to have that over with!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mastitis 1 Me 0 #swollenandred #Ihateyou

Oh Mastitis how I hate you! I started feeling some pain, and tenderness in my left boob yesterday while at the park playing with my kids. I didn't think much of it until we got home and went to nurse my pretty lil princess and noticed just how red my boob was. And then came in the headache. I knew right then and there I was in for it!
I've experienced mastitis before- and boy was it a dozie. I decided to take a hot shower  and message the lump out (or try too- if you've ever experienced this type of thing before you know even the slightest touch can cause massive pain). Sleep was nonexistent. And of course every time I would look over and see Mr. Handsome sleeping soundly it took all that was in me not to smack perfectly resting face.
 He did wake up (finally) around 4 am because I was "moving too much and making too much noise"- I should have hit him them. But after searching the house for what seemed liked hours for the heating pad he did the most loving thing for me :) He went to Wal-Mart to buy me one. It helped majorly but I am sitting here waiting for my doctors office to open so I can have them call in some antibiotics and pain meds. . . .
So for now Mastitis you may have won the battle but I will win this war. I'm coming for you and I am coming hard and fast. Watch your back.