Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Finally a Diagnoses: PCOS

My husband and I have known for a few years that something was wrong with me internally. Originally we thought it was thyroid problems. I went to several doctors including some specialist until one day I finally opened up to a close friend about my systems and my frustrations with not knowing what was wrong with me. To my surprise she stated she was going thru the same thing and suggested I get tested for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which is what she had been diagnosed with the year before. We compared notes and had most of the same symptoms:

-Abnormal and unexplainable weight gain
- Extreme hair growth (unfortunately not the good kind- I'm experiencing this on my face and can grow a full beard in about 5 days)
- Cyst growths on ovaries
-Irregular periods (I can go months and months without having a cycle)
- Infertility- now I currently have two children and would love to have more so I am hoping this is one symptom that isn't "active". According to my research and my doctor you can have one, all or a combination of the symptoms.

 So the very next day I made an appointment to see my OBGYN. Since he was pretty booked up that week I had to wait two weeks for my appointment so of course I set out goggling, pinteresting (I just LOVE pinterest- not sure what I would do with out these days!) and reading up on everything I could find about PCOS.

It didn't take long for the test results to come back positive for PCOS. At my doctors suggestion I am currently revamping my diet, and exercise routines. I'm in the process of starting to eat clean, cutting out Dr Pepper (which is my drug of choice!), and removing gluten. We're working together to find a birth control that will help regulate my cycle (which can help when my hubby and I decide to try for another baby). Which should help alleviate the symptoms and hopefully kick PCOS in rear.

I am also getting laser hair removal done on my face, which I am super pumped for! No woman truly wants to be able to participant in No Shave November, or be able to out grow her husbands beard anytime of the year. I've done one treatment and have already seen a good bit of decrease in hair growth!

2015 has started out as an eye opening year- and with this diagnoses I've added another item on my News Years Resolution list- Overcome PCOS.